innovation & digitalisation

Investment ideas analysed and evaluated in real time with InGen

The information platform InGen enables the systematic evaluation of private placements for the first time and makes it easier for institutional investors to select suitable investment products.

DZ BANK presented the digital platform InGen at its capital market conference today. The Investment Generator InGen provides institutional investors with filter criteria for 170,000 investment products from 192 issuers, thus enabling the systematic evaluation of tailor-made private placements for the first time. Investment ideas can be analysed and evaluated in real time using the new platform.

Friedrich Luithlen, Head of the Debt Capital Markets Department at DZ BANK says: “Securities in private placement format are issued in many different shapes and sizes. The large number of possible combinations often makes it difficult for investors to make the right choice. InGen is the first platform on the market that systematically evaluates the offers of all issuers. Investors can enter the criteria that best suit their requirements and filter investment products by term, interest rate structure, rating, minimum yield and many
further criteria.“

As soon as the investor has defined the criteria, an algorithm filters the approximately 170,000 investment products and creates a ranking list of the most suitable products with the highest returns. For this purpose, InGen uses a database which is fed with information from issuers and the trading database and which is continuously updated by itself. The investor can compile and save the most interesting combinations on a shortlist. The actual business transaction is still concluded by the customer advisor. InGen thus permits thenlocation-independent and digital analysis of private placements for the firsttime.

Besides the benefits for investors, InGen also offers potential for issuers. “We see which products are of most interest to investors and the criteria that are important to them“, says Luithlen. “This also helps the issuers. For example, with InGen we can provide them with indications as to which term, interest rate structure or notice periods are in particular demand among investors. Issuers can adjust their products accordingly and thus increase the attractiveness of their own securities“.

The InGen prototype was developed and tested in DZ BANK’s Innovation LAB. With the official launch of the platform at today's capital markets conference, InGen is now available to interested investors worldwide.

You can find further information at: www.dzbank.de/ingen